
The Natural History Collection at Vrisa


The Natural History Collection at Vrisa was opened in September 1999 and includes unique paleontological findings such as vertebrate and invertebrate animal fossils that lived on the island two million years ago, mineral, rock and metal ore specimens, a Zoology and Botany Department of exceptional value for Greece and Europe.

The exhibits are housed in the building of the Old Girls’ School of Vrisa in the area of Polichnitos. The findings include bones from rhinoceroses, camels, antelopes, gazelles, elephants and tortoise shells that measure 2.5 m long. The most impressive finding is a family of oversized primates of the Paradolipithecus genus, the most recent apes found in Europe.



Address: Vrisa Polichnitou, Lesvos

Tel: (+30) 22520 61890, (+30) 22520 54434

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