The Church of Aghios Ioannis at Kerami


The Church of Aghios Ioannis is located in Kerami, lying between Kalloni and Papiana and dates to 1733, according to the ktetor’s (founder’s) inscription. This is a small-sized, single-space church (11.7×4.5 m), built as an oblique-aisled basilica with the addition of a wooden roof colonnade along the northern side. It is stone-built, with a jagged molding running along the upper part of the walls. The church’s interior is decorated with wall paintings painted at the same time of its construction. They depict themes in the typical traditional style with scenes from the life of Jesus Christ on the upper part, while the middle zone depicts images of saints. The lower zone contains decorative motifs. At present mural restoration is being conducted by the Byzantine Antiquity Ephorate.

Region Kalloni

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