The Hot Springs at Lisvori


The thermal springs of Lisvori (or the thermal springs of Aghios Ioannis Lisvoriou named after the neighboring homonymous chapel) are located three km to the northwest of Polichnitos. Their chemical constitution is similar to that of the Polichnitos Springs with meteoric water content 70% and 30% sea water. The Lisvori hot spring features sodium chloride content through conglomerate and volcanic tuff. There are two bathing compartments, one dating to the 16th century. Water temperature reaches up to 69° C, the second hottest in Europe. The spring installations are located close to a torrent flowing out to Kalloni Bay, through a wonderful natural landscape with spectacular views to the gulf. The thermal springs at Lisvori are recommended for skin conditions, rheumatoid diseases, back pain, gynecological conditions, para-odontopathy, etc.


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