The Vranas Olive Oil Press and Museum


The historic Vranas Oil Press located in the Parados settlement, in Gera Bay, is one of the first steam-powered factories in Lesvos. It was founded in 1887 by Nobel laureate poet Odyseus Elytis’ grandfather, Nikolaos Vranas, and it operated with no interruption since the beginning of the 1970s. In 1999 was bought by the “Archipelagos” Cultural Civil Not-for-Profit Company. After a series of support and restoration projects it was re-opened again in 2009 and has been operating ever since as a museum and a cultural event space. In the Vranas Museum the visitor has the chance to follow the stages and the processes of machine-powered olive oil production and a place of exhibition of rare archival material that was unearthed from the factory’s ruins. Additionally, two separate permanent exhibitions are open to the public: “Glances at a Monument” with works inspired by the olive oil press and the exhibition “Elytis’ Lesvos”, which presents the special bond in the life and the works of our great Greek poet with the birthplace of his parents.



Address: Papados Geras, 81106, Lesvos

Tel: (+30) 22510 82007



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