Wild Orchids

The wild orchids on Lesvos may be found throughout the entire island, especially in its southeastern part, the mountainous masses of Olympus all the way to Plomari and eastwards to the Amali peninsula, to the south of Mytilini. This is due to the geological constitution of the terrain in the eastern parts of Lesvos. Most orchids thrive on limestone terrains in which acidity is basic due to the increased presence of calcium. All Lesvian orchids are geophytes. Once they are developed, these plants have tubers or rhizomes for the storage of reserve nutrients. On Lesvos the rare species Himantoglossum comperianum may be found. Other orchid species include Ophrys lesbis, Ophrys homeri, Ophrys masticorum, Epipactis persica, Platanthera chlorantha, Himantoglossum caprinum, Cephalanthera rubra plus many others (exceeding 90 species).

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