Αρχική 5 Gastronomy 5 Local and Traditional Recipes 5 Cured Papalines (Kalloni Bay Sardines)

Cured Papalines (Kalloni Bay Sardines)


½ kg. papalines

2 tbs. coarse salt



Step 1

In a sealed plastic container place a layer of sardines and cover with coarse salt.

Step 2

Repeat on top of this layer until you run out of sardines.

Step 3

Let them set in room temperature for 4 to 10 hours (maximum 24 hours).

Step 4

Scrape the scales. Remove the entrails. Chop off the head and they are ready to serve.

Step 5

When you’re done, store in the fridge to avoid excessive saltiness. They may be consumed even in the next day.