Αρχική 5 Gastronomy 5 Local and Traditional Recipes 5 Stuffed Baby Goat Palaiohori-Style

Stuffed Baby Goat Palaiohori-Style

At Palaiohori (south Lesvos), Easter Day is the day to oven-roast stuffed baby goat or baby lamb. This is the traditional dish for Easter Sunday in Palaiohori.



1 baby goat or baby lamb plate or flank (prefer a female animal for tenderness)

1 caul (lace) fat to cover the meat

2-3 kg. potatoes

2 tbs. tomato paste, diluted in warm water

1 cup olive oil for the baking pan

3 tbs. butter (optional)

2-3 cups water

Salt and pepper

Large and deep baking pan or casserole

1 needle and sturdy white thread


For the stuffing:

1-2 goat livers

1 cup glutinous (sticky) rice

1-2 tbs. tomato paste (or ½ kg. canned chopped tomatoes)

1 – 1½ cup olive oil for the filling (approximately)

1 cup water (approximately)

Salt and pepper

Optional: Chestnuts, pine nuts, raisins



Step 1

Rinse the baby goat well and then split the upper part carefully to make it into a pouch. It is better that you ask the butcher to do this for you since it should not be ruptured. Salt and pepper and let its fluids drain in a basin.

Step 2

Cut the livers into pieces, rinse and salt. Fry the liver in a deep frying pan over a high flame. Add the tomato sauce and one cup water and let boil over a high flame for 30 minutes. Rinse the rice and the chestnuts and add to the pan with salt and pepper. Let boil over a low flame for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the flame and let it set until rice is soaked.

Step 3

Let the filling cool and start stuffing the meat pouch. You may need a pair of extra hands to help you out (get your children or your husband to work). Make sure it is stuffed well but not too tight; it may burst. The rice needs some room to expand.

Step 4

Disinfect an upholstery needle and sew together the open gap with a white thread. Make sure you remove the thread before serving. Wrap the entire preparation with the caul fat to prevent it from burning and place it in the baking pan or casserole. Instead of oil you may dab it with butter; it makes it tenderer.

Step 5

Cut the potatoes lengthwise, Salt them well and add to the pan around the meat. Add the water. Dilute 2 tbs. tomato paste in little warm water and pour it on top of the meat. Add salt and pepper (and optionally some butter).

Step 6

Roast for one hour in the oven at high temperature in the beginning and then at medium temperature keep turning it on all sides. Total baking time: 2 to 2 ½ hours.

Step 7

Remove the thread carefully. Slice in even portions and serve hot. Goes well with slightly sweet red wine.