Αρχική 5 Natural Environment 5 The Flora of Lesvos 5 The East Mediterranean Pine

The East Mediterranean Pine

The East Mediterranean pine is the common forest tree species in Lesvos. It may be seen in expansive areas in the central and southern parts of Lesvos, in the mountainous regions of western Lesvos between Parakoila, Vatousa, Pterounda and Hidira, in the peninsula of Amali and in more sparse concentrations in eastern and northern Lesvos. The tree understory is varied depending on the geological substratum. For example, in schist-rock areas the understory is denser helping the growth of various shrub species such as Arbutus unedo, A. andrachne, Jupinerus oxycedrus subsp. Oxycedrus, Phillyrea latifolia etc. The understory is less dense and deficient in ophiolithic terrains regarding the variety of species. Usually this understory is populated with phrygana species, such as Cistus criticus, Erica manipuliflora, Teucrium capitatum, Sarcopoterium spinosum and many herbaceous plants. The ophiolitihc terrains present also the locally endemic species Alyssum lesbiacum, Centaurea reuterana, Genista anatolica, and Thlaspi ochroleucum.

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